Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Shifting Sand.....Solid Rock....

What a difference in our world when we can stand on God's solid rock of love, truth, and certainty in the storms and in the sunshine.  It's much more noticeable to see the difference in the storms.  Lord, so much of our world does not have You to stand on, especially in this country.  So many children are growing up father less and therefore have a hard time grasping who You are and can be in their life.  Goodness we need You Lord, people need to know that no matter what comes, You are there for them.  People need to know they can trust that You have what is best in mind for them, that listening to Your Word, responding to Your love by obeying you will bring them true peace, true joy, true abundant living.  Satan is so good at selling the lies of thinking that possessions, position, popularity are what matter and will bring us joy.  Lord, help us not chase after those things and recognize standing firm in You, Your love for us, Your plan for us...are what matter and what bring about an incredible life here and forever.  Help me know it in my heart always, help me live it, help me teach it.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Blessings.....choosing to gaze there...

People are the priceless blessings in my life... and I'm full the brim with wonderful friends and family, and even kind strangers!  .thank you Lord for the amazing people you've placed in my life, in all these seasons, in all these occasions of life.  I have to sometimes do a mental turn to look at these blessings Lord instead of the fears and disappointments of life....please help me do this often...not be bogged down by the negatives in life...clinging to the good....accepting the challenges of life as growing opportunities....
bring me to joy Lord,  bring me to having some fun and smiling... goodness... what a wonderful sweet angel you sent me today at Walmart to cheer me and just walk up to me like she did and offer such encouragement!  Wow... like a direct gift from you to brighten my day.. oh the power of positive words.. may I be a light and a conduit of joy to others as she took the time to be for me.  An extension of You Lord.  sweet sweet moments...keep my eyes and heart tuned in....