Sunday, August 7, 2011

Act 2-ready or not...

I'm not an expert at technology.. so just figuring out how to "blog" has been a bit of a challenge, but I think for today...  I have it... so here I am!   I do love to write as some friends and family will tell you... and sometimes way too much!  I figure if I can learn how to blog, they won't feel forced to endure my writings and I'll still get a chance to put things in black and white.. and if no one reads it, oh well!  I've always liked to journal, so I guess this is a form of that.

Anyway,  August 7, 2011.....many, many incredible things have happened of late in the Jones home!  In the last 16 months or so all three of our kids married wonderful, wonderful people.. wow...  what a journey that has been!  We are so thankful for our own "kids" and for who God brought into their lives for their life partners!  I wish each one of your could meet Alyssa, Jamie, and Brenden!   God is so good....!

I want to start planning family vacations ... like yesterday!  ha... but I have to pace myself and as always its hard for me to hold back being too involved.   (thus this blog and less family emails they are hoping I'm sure)    Oh, and then there is the marriage advice.... :)  Little do they know how much I have actually held back in sharing!  (jones and are such experts!)

Anyway,  I hope they get a chance to meet some of you wonderful friends also.. God has also given us amazing friends in our lifetime.  Sweet, sweet friendships in Him.  

Well, that's all for now... I'm holding back here too for now in sharing.  But if you are reading this..thanks..!  and thanks for the blessing of YOU in our lives.  Thanks mostly to God His love and care for each of us...and then giving us each other.  :)       I don't even know if I'll know how to get back here.. or how to tell friends how to get here. so we'll see...this may just end up some random post in the vast spaces of technology!  no matter.

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