Saturday, August 20, 2011

"New Normal"

Adjusting to the "new normal" in life has been a process....New normal includes, all children married to wonderful spouses....watching many of their friends enter true adulthood with big people jobs, getting married, purchasing houses, etc.-enjoying adult friendships with them, still letting go-trying not to let stupid parenting remarks slip out.....quieter house...not many overnight visitors, or people showing up late hours to stop by.....

Body changes-more tired at times, weight harder than ever to control, and other unique 50 ish discoveries that I won't mention.......

Parenting the parent....about 18 months into this change...finally accepting and adjusting to it a bit more....realizing you are not done being a parent...but in a whole different way you hadn't really thought about...finding quite a comaraderie of individuals who have experienced this phenomenon, each in their own unique way with their situation, but for each, it has been a challenge and growing time.  Wanting to give parents the best exit from this world possible with learning boundaries for your own sanity.

Some time to reconnect with the man you fell in love with... realizing, just like the beginning, you have to make time to be together, to get away from all the distractions of life to enjoy each other, not letting the world crowd out what should come naturally.....enjoying each others company and just having fun, still discovering a few things and mindsets in the other that surprise (sometimes frustrate) and most often delight you...but also soaking up the coziness of knowing each other very well by now...

Serving God...the new normal in this.. figuring out that maybe all the little things along the way were your serving... realizing you aren't going to accomplish some of those big dreams you thought God had in mind for you and that's okay...battling through a mindset of what... do I really have things to offer still...when in fact you do...and once again, it's the little things that matter for Him and for someone you know.

Treasured friendships/relationships-always been a big deal for me anyway, but more priceless than ever...knowing too though that there are some people you will never please or satisfy...and that its okay.

Time to read Gods word and listen more- to relish who HE truly is and what that really means to you--to others-so much of knowing God requires slowing down enough to listen and look at what He has going on...and hoping together with Him for many things, watch still for opportunities He does have in mind.  realizing it's time to be a bit bolder for Him in offering Him to others...because well, you might not have much time left.... :)  

"new normal" ....being afraid of it or embracing it.... my choice... hopefully I choose wisely... :)

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